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Call for papers for the AAHPSSS Conference, 22–25 November 2017, Wollongong. CFP due 30 July.
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AAHPSSS is the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science, and covers all aspects of science studies. It is a not-for-profit association, with the mission to advance science studies.
It holds a biennial conference.
Membership is open to all who are interested in science studies.
President Adam Lucas is Senior Lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at the University of Wollongong. He completed three postgraduate degrees in science and technology studies and the history and philosophy of science at the University of New South Wales between 1993 and 2004. His current research focuses on energy policy responses to anthropogenic climate change and the history of premodern and early modern technology. He is the author of numerous articles and two monographs, Wind, Water, Work: ancient and medieval milling technology (Brill 2006) and Ecclesiastical Lordship, Seigneurial Power and the Commercialization of Milling in Medieval England (Ashgate 2014). He is currently working on several projects, including special issues for Technology and Culture and Osiris, and a book series featuring policy-relevant work by Australian STS and environmental humanities scholars. Email: president@aahpsss.net.au
Vice-President Nicola Marks is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Wollongong. She studied natural sciences and genetics at Cambridge and completed a Masters by Research in human genetics at Edinburgh. She then did her PhD in Sociology of Scientific Knowledge also at Edinburgh. Her research interests include reproductive technologies, science controversies, language and public engagement in science. She is currently CI with Assoc. Professor Sarah Ferber and Professor Vera Mackie on an ARC Discovery Project entitled “IVF and Assisted Reproductive Technologies: The Global Experience". Email: vicepresident@aahpsss.net.au
Treasurer Gerhard Wiesenfeldt is a lecturer in the History and Philosophy of Science Programme at the University of Melbourne. He has studied moon physics, philosophy and history of science. He holds an MSc in physics and a PhD in history of science, both from the University of Hamburg. Prior to coming to Melbourne in 2007, he was a lecturer at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany). He also has held a Research Fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science in Berlin and a Scaliger Fellowship at the University of Leiden (Netherlands). He has published extensively on the history of early modern science and philosophy in Germany and the Dutch Republic, as well as on the history of early modern universities. Email: treasurer@aahpsss.net.au
Secretary Darrin Durant is a researcher at Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne. His research focuses on disputes between experts and publics, and he has published widely on controversies involving nuclear waste management, nuclear power, public policy about energy options, and more recently is investigating climate change policy-making. Dr. Durant’s general approach asks questions about the different contributions made and roles played by experts and lay publics. In democracies, we face a challenge. Concerns about procedural legitimacy result in demands for public involvement in policy-making about social issues involving expert knowledge. But procedure can only go so far, because in a democracy we are also concerned to get it right, so there is a reciprocal demand for expert input. It is too simple to say we just have to balance the two, because expert and lay public input are often about different questions, different weightings to what kinds of errors to be concerned about, and even different assessments of what factors deserve most attention in trying to figure out what is right. Instead, we have to make tough choices about who to listen to, and that might mean we have to think through exactly where expert and lay public input is best directed. Email: secretary@aahpsss.net.au
Website Admin: John Wilkins, Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne, specialises in the history and philosophy of biology, and in particular of classification and taxonomy. He has published books on the history of the concept of species (Species: A history of the Idea, 2009, and Defining species: a sourcebook from antiquity to today 2009, and on the philosophy of classification, The nature of Classification (2013, with Malte Ebach). Email: website@aahpsss.net.au
As amended at Ordinary Meetings of Council on 27 June 2001 (Melbourne University conference - various changes) and 5 July 2002 (Sydney University conference - addition of Article 7)
The “Association” is the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science.
The “Council” is that body whose membership is determined by Article 3 Section (b) of this Constitution.
The “Executive” is that Executive Committee whose membership is determined by Article 3 Section © of this Constitution.
An “Ordinary Meeting” of Council is a Council Meeting held at a Conference of the Association.
A “Special Meeting” of Council is any Council Meeting other than an Ordinary Meeting of Council.
(a) The name of the organization shall be “The Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science”.
(b) The purpose of the Association shall be the furtherance of the study of the history and social studies of the sciences technology and medicine; of the philosophy, logic and methodology of the sciences; and of related subjects.
The term “science” shall be deemed for the purpose of this Article to comprise the natural sciences, the social sciences and mathematics.
© The Association is a non profit-making learned society. The assets and income of the Association shall be applied solely in furtherance of its above-mentioned objects, and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Association except on bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.
(a) Membership shall be open to interested persons and shall be effective upon (a) payment of dues and (b) registration with the Executive, the latter being effected either by letter to the Secretary, or by such other means as instituted by the Executive.
(b) Dues for the current calendar year as determined by Council shall be payable by 30th June in that year.
© Members whose dues are one year in arrears shall forfeit their membership.
(d) The liability of individual members in any one year shall be limited to an amount not exceeding the amount of their annual dues.
(a) The Association shall be governed by a Council.
(b) The Council shall consist of all members of the Association who are professionally involved in the history and/or philosophy and/or social studies of science, medicine or technology.
Anyone demonstrating that they are in the at least one of the following categories will be recognised as professionally involved:
(1) All members holding academic appointments in Australasian Institutions of Tertiary Education whose title or terms of appointment specify that they teach or research the history or philosophy or social studies of science medicine or technology.
(2) All members holding academic appointments in Australasian Institutions of Tertiary Education who teach courses involving a substantial content of history and/or philosophy and/or social studies of science medicine or technology.
(3) All members doing full time research in history or philosophy or social studies of science medicine or technology including candidates for a PhD.
(4) All members who hold a doctorate in the history or philosophy or social studies of science medicine or technology.
(5) Members who do not fall into the above categories but who are deemed by the Council or Executive to be professionally involved.
The Council may co-opt other members of the Association and such co-opted members shall have full membership and voting rights.
© The Council shall elect from their number a President, not more than four Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer who shall be the Officers of the Association and whose functions shall be those usually exercised by such officers.
(d) There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of the President, a Vice-President as determined by Council (who shall be known as the Executive Vice-President), the Secretary, the Treasurer and any other member of the Council that the Executive Committee may from time to time co-opt for specified period. The Executive Committee shall carry on the business of the Association between meetings of Council
(e) The Secretary shall keep a Register of members of the Council and (except as provided below) no member of the Association shall be deemed to be a member of the Council at any given time unless his name appears upon the Register of members of the council at that time. Should the Secretary be found not to have kept such a list, then Council shall be deemed to be all those members attending a meeting of the Association together with those members who have provided a proxy. But this deeming shall not take effect if any members attending the meeting object to it.
(f) The Executive Committee shall determine whether or not the name of any new member of the Association or of any past member of the Association rejoining the Association shall be entered upon the Register of Members of the Council. The Executive Committee shall also determine whether or not the name of any member of the Association shall be removed from the Register of members of the Council.
(g) A member of the Association whose name has not been entered upon the Register of Members of the Council or whose name has been removed from the Register of members of the Council shall have the right to appeal to the Council against any such ruling of the Executive Committee and the decision of the Council in such a case shall be binding upon the Executive Committee.
(h) Authority for the receipt and disbursement of funds shall rest in the Executive Committee subject always to the authority of the Council. The annual accounts shall be presented to an Ordinary or Special Meeting of Council each year.
(i) In the case of a vacancy in any office, the Executive Committee shall be authorised to fill it by co-option until the next Meeting (Ordinary or Special) of Council.
(j) An Officer of the Association shall continue to hold office until the first Ordinary Meeting of Council held after election or so-option to that office. An Officer of the Association may relinquish office at any time should he or she so desire.
(k) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 Clause (j) the Council may determine at any Ordinary or Special Meeting of Council by a majority of members of the Council that the appointment of any Officer of the Association be terminated forthwith.
(l) Notwithstanding any other Provisions of this Constitution any person who has been a member of the Executive Committee for a continuous period of nine years shall resign his membership of the Committee not later than the next Ordinary or Special Meeting of Council following and shall not again be eligible for membership of the Executive Committee until a period of two years and six months has elapsed. In the event of the termination of membership of the Executive Committee in accordance with provisions of this Clause of the President, the Executive Vice-President, the Secretary, or the Treasurer of the Association, such an officer shall at the same time resign his office and shall not be eligible for election or re-election to any of the above-mentioned offices until a period of two years and six months has elapsed.
(m) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution no President, nor Executive Vice-President, nor Secretary of the Association may seek re-election to the same office which that person has held for three successive terms within a period of two years and six months of the termination of the appointment to that office.
(n) The Executive Committee is authorised to assist in the formation of local branches of the Association. The policies of such branches shall be decided by the Council except where authority has been delegated by the Council to the Executive Committee or to the local branch.
Article 4: Conferences and Elections
(a) The Council shall arrange a Conference for the presentation and discussion of papers normally once in each calendar year.
(b) For each Conference, a Conference Secretary shall be elected by the Council from amongst its members or by the Executive Committee when authority to do so has been delegated to it by the Council. If any member of the Council elected as a Conference Secretary be not already a member of the Executive Committee, he or she shall be co-opted as a member of the Executive Committee for a period to be determined in advance by the Executive Committee.
© The Executive Committee shall call a meeting of Council at every Conference. Such a meeting shall be termed an Ordinary Meeting of Council. The quorum for an Ordinary Meeting of Council shall be seven.
(d) The Executive Committee shall have authority to call at any time a Special Meeting of Council. The Executive Committee shall always call a Special Meeting of Council at the written request of any ten members of Council. The quorum for a Special Meeting of Council shall be seven.
(e) Elections of Officers of the Association shall take place at an Ordinary or Special Meeting of Council. The result of an election shall be decided by a majority vote of those casting ballots in that election.
(f) If for any reason a Conference of the Association cannot be arranged within any calendar year, the Executive Committee shall call a Special Meeting of Council to be convened before the close of any such a calendar year.
(g) Any member of Council unable to attend a Council Meeting (Ordinary or Special) may appoint in writing another member of Council to vote on his or her behalf.
(a) Any change in the Constitution may be proposed by three or more members of the Association. Such proposals shall be lodged with the Secretary at least two months before an Ordinary Meeting of Council and notice of them shall be sent to all members of the Council at least a month before that Ordinary Meeting of Council.
(b) Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be adopted if one-third or more of the members of Council cast ballots on them at an Ordinary Meeting of Council and if at least two-thirds of such votes are affirmative. Proxy votes shall be valid.
(a) In the event of the Association being dissolved, the amount of money that remains after such dissolution shall be transferred to any association with similar purposes which is not carried on for profit or gain of its individual members.
(a) The Association shall operate an account for the purpose of assisting students to attend the Association’s conferences, and for the provision, from time to time, of a prize for what is judged to be the best paper on a topic related to the history, philosophy, or social study of science, medicine, or technology, presented by an enrolled student at an AAHPSSS conference (excluding full-time academic staff members, but not casual teachers) who must be enrolled in honours or postgraduate programs. The bursaries shall be known as the Ian Langham Bursaries, so named in honour of the late Dr Ian Langham, who taught History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Sydney and was a stalwart Member of the Association. The prize shall be known as the Ian Langham Prize.
(b) The AAHPSSS Executive shall not be empowered to spend, in any given fiscal year, more than 10 (ten) percent of the Association’s total funds (reckoned on the first day of that year), excluding those received from conference registration in that year, without a majority vote of the Council. This authorising vote must take place prior to any spending in excess of 10 percent of the Association’s funds, and may take place either at the Ordinary Meeting of Council (AGM) or by a special poll in which a quorum of the Council is demonstrably contacted and permitted sufficient time for all to respond by voting.
Guy Freeland
Or, to be exact, the conception and nativity of AAHPS/A2HPS3, as the Association only acquired the serpentine hiss to its tail, by adding two further Ss, in 1979.
Not a little confusion seems to have arisen as to when exactly the Association was founded. The source of this confusion lies in the fact that two UNSW HPS Conferences were held, in 1966 and 1967 respectively, prior to the first AAHPS Conference, sensu stricto, in 1968. There is, in reality, no doubt at all as to when the Association was formed. Rod Home, during his prandial speech at the 25th Anniversary Dinner, appropriately quoted the curt, definitive and totally unequivocal opening sentence of Bob Gascoigne’s editorial to the very first Newsletter of the Association, published in 1968: “The Association was founded in August 1967”. To be even more precise, it was founded at a business meeting held at the second Kensington HPS Conference on Friday, 18th August, 1967, when the Constitution was approved and the first officers elected.
My recall of the exact sequence of events which led up the foundation of the Association might, after a lapse of some twenty-seven years, be somewhat hazy. Fortunately, I had reason to make a note of my recollections, on which I intend to call, much closer to the actual events; in fact, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary celebrations, which took place at the Annual Conference held at the University of Wollongong in 1977. (I still have a photograph, taken by Monica MacCallum, of the Melbourne HPS department, of your correspondent, in his capacity as retiring President, ritually devouring the uncommonly toothsome tenth anniversary cake, supplied by Wollongong’s Margaret Campbell.)
While birth dates are as a rule not hard to ascertain, and that of A2HPS3 is not an exception, dates of conception are another matter. The suggestion that it would be worth considering the formation of an HPS association was first mooted – according to my recollection in 1977 of Jack Thornton’s recollection over a decade earlier (Jack Thornton was Foundation Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at UNSW) – by the philosopher of science, George Schlesinger. However, nothing further came of the idea at the time (and I do not know in what year the suggestion was made). However, the transition from the twinkle in an academic eye to conception occurred, it could, with a modicum of plausibility, be maintained, during a discussion between Jack Thornton and myself on a balmy Summer day in 1965 – although, of course, like Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland boating excursion on the Thames, it might, according to the official meteorological records, in fact have been pelting with rain. Whatever the the [sic - JG] weather, certainly the upshot of that meeting was a decision to hold a conference at UNSW at which a pow-wow could be held to discuss the possibility of forming an association. Of course, the trouble with proposing anything is that one is almost certain to get landed with organising it, and the instance in question was no exception.
In May, 1966 a conference was held – with myself as Conference Secretary – and at that conference a meeting was duly called on Tuesday the 24th May, to discuss the formation of an association. The proposal was favourably received and a steering committee was formed to draft a constitution – with, of course, yours truly as convener – and a decision reached to hold a further conference at UNSW the following year to consider the Constitution and (hopefully) launch the Association.
In August, 1967 the second UNSW Conference was held with – you have guessed it – myself again drawing the short straw. After the usual interminable arguments, which always seem to accompany constitutional deliberations, AAHPS was formally inaugurated. Ding Dyason, then Reader-in-Charge of the Department of HPS at Melbourne, was elected President, Jack Thornton Vice-President and myself Secretary-Treasurer – an iniquitous combination of functions which was later rectified by the revised Constitution of 1969. The biggest problem, concerning the debate over the Constitution, was that of whether the Association should or should not follow the Australasian Association of Philosophy in having a Council which could function as the formal professional body for HPS in Australasia. The view was expressed that a Council, with carefully defined membership, could prevent the small number of academics working in HPS and related fields from being swamped by an imagined influx of alien beings who might take the Association over. It was also argued that such a body could prove invaluable if some terrible crisis should arise threatening the continuing existence of the discipline in the Fifth Continent. In the event, the Council has proved to be nothing more than an unnecessary encumbrance; indeed, the only time that it is momentarily brought back from Limbo is when Constitutional changes need to be effected. With hindsight, creating a Council was a mistake, but that the '67 meeting decided, eventually, to play it safe was, I think, indicative of the insecurity felt by what was at that time a very small academic community. The following year, 1968, saw the first AAHPS Conference, held at the University of Melbourne with, this time, the gods be praised, Rod Home as Conference Secretary.
In 1967 there were just two departments of HPS – at the Universities of Melbourne and New South Wales, with the only chair being at UNSW– plus a few odd lectureships here and there. The growth of the metascientific disciplines since then has been significant, and the promptings of Vice-Chancellors and University bodies by the Association over the years has almost certainly done something to promote this growth. The Association also was instrumental (largely through the efforts of its then Secretary Mike Hoare) in getting the National Committee of the Australian Academy of Science established. Another landmark, of course, was the appearance of Metascience, volume 1/2, 1984, with Randall Albury of NSW as Foundation Editor. Although not strictly speaking an organ of A2HPS3, the publication of the first volume in the Australasian Studies in History and Philosophy of Science series in 1982, with Rod Home as General Editor, should also certainly be mentioned as a highlight of the Association’s first quarter century.
Since its inception, the Association has played a continuing and useful role in the life of the HPS/STS community in these Antipodean climes; my A2HPS3 go from strength to strength during the next quarter of a century!
School of Science & Technology Studies
University of New South Wales
Reproduced, with the permission of the author, from the AAHPSSS Newsletter, March 1993 (number 44).
The Editorial to the first number of the Newsletter of the Australasian Association for the History and Philosophy of Science, 1968 (written by Dr. R.M. Gascoigne)
The Association was formed in August 1967. Its purpose, as laid down in its constitution, is “the furtherance of the study of the history of the sciences, technology, and medicine; of the philosophy, logic, and methodology of the sciences, and of related subjects”. Membership is open to anyone interested and is effective upon payment of the membership fee of one dollar per year. Applications for membership should be addressed to the Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. G.A. Freeland, School of History and Philosophy of Science, University of New South Wales . . . .
The main activity of the Association is its annual conference which will normally be held in either Melbourne or Sydney. Before the Association was formally inaugurated two conferences were held, in 1966 and 1967. . . . The next conference will be held at the University of Melbourne from the 15th to the 17th August, 1968. Details are available from the convenor, Dr. R.W. Home, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Melbourne . . . .
The Association does not intend to divide itself into two branches, one for history of science and one for philosophy of science. While it is recognized that the interests of individual members will be predominantly in one field or the other, and that the programmes of the conferences will normally be divided accordingly, it is nevertheless part of the Association’s aims to bring the two fields together as much as possible – to invite philosophers of science to be more historically-minded, and historians of science more philosophically-minded, as well as inviting scientists to be both. Nor does the Association intend to restrict itself to a literal interpretation of history and philosophy of science: either of these terms can readily be stretched to include, for example, the sociology of science. Indeed, the initials H.P.S. might be taken to signify “metascience” – the second order study of science from any point of view. And the Association takes science to include the social sciences as well as the natural sciences and mathematics (and their applications in technology and medicine).
The list of subscribers for the year: 1967/68
Reproduced from the AAHPSSS Newsletter, March 1993 (number 44).
Contact details and membership of the AAHPSSS executive committee are listed on the contacts page.
Metascience is an Australasian science studies review journal which was published by AAHPSSS until 1998; it is now published independently, but maintains strong links with AAHPSSS.
Subscription to Metascience was once, but is no longer, formally linked to membership of AAHPSSS, except that members of AAHPSSS are entitled to a discounted Metascience subscription rate.
The membership rules were changed in 2001, following a decision made by the 2000 AGM, the details of which were ratified by an email ballot in March 2001.
The AAHPSSS web mascot is a platypus from George Bennett’s 1835 Notes on the natural history and habits of the ornithorhynchus paradoxus. It is one of the earliest naturalistic representations of a platypus, earlier ones in Bewick’s book having obviously been drawn from dead specimens. Here is the full engraving.
Our mascot is from the first live drawings of the platypus reported in the Journal of Zoology in 1835.
Date/Time | Event |
16/03/2018 - 17/03/2018 All Day | Bucharest Graduate Conference on History and Philosophy of Science: Methodology, Experimental Practices and Concept Formation - IRH-ICUB, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest |
12/04/2018 - 14/04/2018 All Day | Making It Up: Histories of Research Integrity and Fraud in Scientific Practice - Uppsala University, Uppsala |
17/05/2018 - 18/05/2018 All Day | Asian Extremes: Climate, Meteorology and Disaster in History - Asia Research Institute, Seminar Room AS8, Level 4, Singapore |
04/07/2018 - 06/07/2018 12:00 am | BSPS 2018 Annual Conference - University of Oxford, Oxford |
01/11/2018 - 04/11/2018 All Day | Twenty-Sixth Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association |
21/11/2018 - 23/11/2018 All Day | Fourth Asian HPS&ST Conference - National Dong Hwa University, Hualien |
McKinnon Building, University of Wollongong
22–24 November 2017
Emerging issues in Science and Society
This year’s AAHPSSS conference will be held at the University of Wollongong (UoW). Not only does UoW host the longest running science and technology studies program in Australia, it is now the only remaining STS program in the country.
At a time when the STEM disciplines (i.e. science, technology, the environment and medicine) are being called upon by government, business and industry to drive the next wave of global innovation and economic growth, it is essential that the critical perspectives of science and technology studies (STS), history and philosophy of science (HPS) and cognate disciplines in the social sciences and humanities are meaningfully and substantively included in the relevant public and policy debates. Encouraging such critical perspectives in public discourse concerning STEM issues is arguably necessary to ensure that the hyper-rationalist hubris and technoscientific excesses of the 20th century are not repeated in the 21st century.
The AAHPSSS executive and many of its long-term members are very conscious of the demise of multiple STS and HPS programs throughout Australia’s universities over the last two decades. While most of us deplore these developments, we are convinced that the only way this situation can be halted and hopefully reversed is through the efforts of the relevant scholarly communities to come together, demonstrate solidarity, and forge new alliances over the next several years.
This conference is therefore aimed at rebuilding scholarly networks and bridging some of the divides that have recently emerged between more specialized scholarly communities in Australia and New Zealand. We therefore welcome the participation and attendance at the conference of tenured and casual academics, independent scholars, students, professionals in the public and private sectors, and interested laypeople.
There are several hotels as well as serviced apartments and budget accommodation in and around Wollongong which the organizers have identified and with whom conference attendees are encouraged to book.
Sage Hotel Wollongong
The recommended hotel for the conference is the Sage Hotel Wollongong. The hotel is directly adjacent to Wollongong’s CBD, parkland and the beach, and within walking distance of Wollongong train station and the free shuttle bus service to the University.
The hotel is able to offer 15% off its daily rate of the day when booked directly with the hotel. This discount is based on room-type availability at point of booking.
Sage Hotel Wollongong
60-62 Harbour St
NSW 2500
(02) 4201 2111
When booking your room directly with the hotel, please let them know you are attending the AAHPSSS conference for the discounted rate.
Novotel Wollongong Northbeach
Novotel is located next to North Beach and is also close to a shuttle bus to the University. The hotel is able to offer the following rates for AAHPSSS attendees.
Residential View Room @ $259.00 per room per night (discounted from $279.00)
Ocean View Room @ $269.00 per room per night (discounted from $319.00)
Ocean View Balcony Room @ $289.00 per room per night (discounted from $359.00)
Above rates are room only
Guests are to contact the Hotel directly and quote “AAHPSSS” to receive the discounted rate
Rates will not be available 7 days prior to arrival
Rooms are subject to availability
Novotel Wollongong Northbeach
2-14 Cliff Rd,
North Wollongong
NSW 2520
(02) 4224 3111
Adina Apartment Hotel Wollongong
Adina serviced apartments are located in the Wollongong CBD close to the beach and shuttle bus to the University.
Studio Room @ $219 per room per night
1 Bedroom Apartment @ $249 per room per night
Adina Apartment Hotel Wollongong
19 Market St,
NSW 2500
(02) 4250 5000
Budget Accommodation
Norris Motels Wollongong: http://www.norrismotels-srp.com.au/
Backpacker & Hostels Accommodation:
Other accommodation
If you would like to explore other options, please follow the link to the Destination Wollongong Booking engine below:
Delegates may also call the City of Wollongong’s Visitor Information Centre to book over the phone: (02) 4267 5910.
For those attendees travelling from interstate or regional areas, JetGo has recently begun providing direct flights from Albury, Brisbane, Dubbo, Hervey Bay, Melbourne Essendon & Tamworth to Wollongong: http://jetgo.com/
The main campus of University of Wollongong is located in Northfields Avenue, Keiraville, at the base of Mount Ousley. The conference will be held in UoW Building 67, the McKinnon Building. Please download the campus map for details (McKinnon is located at E4 on the map):
The University provides the following information about getting to and from the main campus:
North Wollongong Railway Station is approximately 2 km from the conference venue. It is a pleasant half hour walk from the train station to the conference venue. Alternatively, there are regular free shuttle buses running from the train station and following other routes from Wollongong CBD and surrounding suburbs. The shuttle bus schedules and routes are available here:
Some other helpful information on how to get to Wollongong:
Information about getting around in Wollongong, including information on the free green bus:
There is limited off-street parking around the UoW campus, most of which is restricted to one- and two-hour limits for non-residents. This is heavily policed by Wollongong City Council, so attendees are advised to pay close attention to parking restriction signs if parking off-campus.
There is ticketed parking on-campus for non-UoW employees and staff. In the ‘Pay & Display’ ticketed parking in the P3, P4 and P8 carparks, the maximum charge per day is $9.60. In the short-term parking stations, ticketed parking is available at a maximum of $15.00 per day.
Further information is available here:
Attendees are encouraged to walk or use public transport where at all possible.
Weekender’s Guide to Wollongong.
Enrolled honours, postgraduate students and researchers with precarious employment from tertiary institutions outside New South Wales whose paper proposals or participation in the postgraduate workshop have been formally accepted may apply for an Ian Langham Bursary. The Bursary is intended to help defray the costs of interstate or Trans-Tasman travel for attendees. If you are in possession of or entitled to receive travel funds through your research institution we would appreciate that you make use of those travel funds.
Applications should include the title and abstract (no more than 300 words) of the paper accepted or the research which will be presented during the postgraduate workshop, along with evidence of student enrolment status and a quote from a travel agent to indicate expected travel costs. The Bursary is not intended to cover the costs of accommodation.
Assessments will be made on the basis of whether the applicant’s research engages meaningfully with current debates in HPS/STS, or demonstrates knowledge and appropriate use of HPS/STS methodologies. Because the Association has limited funds, we cannot guarantee that all those who apply will be successful.
Applications for the Ian Langham Bursary close on Friday 20 October 2017, and should be addressed to the Secretary, Darrin Durant (secretary@aahpsss.net.au).
PLEASE NOTE: payments will be made subsequent to the conference upon provision of relevant travel receipts and bank account details. The deadline for provision of relevant paperwork is 20 December 2017.
Entry to the Dyason Lecture is open to the public. Free entry for all conference attendees.
Register now.
If you are not a member, Join now for the reduced registration.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science provides a distinctive publication forum where scholars working in the history, philosophy and social studies of science can present their work to the international academic community. General issues are addressed with a consciously international orientation.
Stephen Gaukroger
Rachel Ankeny, University of Adelaide
Peter Anstey, University of Sydney, Sydney
Steven French, University of Leeds
Ofer Gal, University of Sydney
Clemency Montelle, University of Canterbury
Nicholas Rasmussen, University of New South Wales
John Schuster, University of Sydney/Campion College
Koen Vermeir, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
Richard Yeo, Griffith University
Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science continues the series Australasian Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, founded by Rod Home in 1982. As well as the name change, restrictions on non-Australasian content have been lifted, and the editorial board is now international, although it is envisaged that the majority of the board, and the general editor, will be academics based in Australasia. There be an increased focus on monographs, and there are efforts in place to try to make sure that the distribution of volumes in the series is improved.
The editorial board invites authors and editors of collections to submit manuscripts and proposals for this series.
AAHPSSS membership entitles you to receive the following:
Full Membership (employed members):
Full membership : $40.00 AUD - yearly
Concessional membership (student and unemployed members):
Concessional : $20.00 AUD - yearly